By entering and using any of the following internet pages with the domains and (hereinafter “THE SITES”), which are property of DT AMERICA LATINA, SC, (hereinafter “THE ORGANIZATION”), you (hereinafter “THE USER” or “THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY” as applicable) are accepting the Terms and Conditions of Use contained herein and declares its acceptance by simple entry and use. If THE USER or THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY do not accept all of these Terms and Conditions of Use, they must refrain from accessing, using and browsing THE SITES.

For the purposes of this document, USER will be understood as any person regardless of the nature with which they enter the site. THE SITES or any of the subpages that display their content.

Description of THE EXPOS

“THE EXPOS” are online or virtual exhibitions organized by THE ORGANIZATION, in which different companies and sponsors (hereinafter “PARTICIPANT COMPANIES”) advertise, offer promotions and discounts online, directly on their website, via email. , via telephone, chat or in person, or simply publish information about the PARTICIPATING COMPANY.


The Service provided by THE ORGANIZATION through THE SITES and its various means of communication such as e-mailing, social networks, digital and conventional advertising, among others (hereinafter “COMMUNICATION CHANNELS”) is the provision of information on services, products , brands or companies, for THE USER through the internet.

In relation to the PARTICIPATING COMPANY, THE ORGANIZATION provides the service of placing information on THE SITES so that THE USER knows said information.

THE ORGANIZATION is not responsible for the origin, validity and compliance of the promotions, offers, discounts, information, texts, images, logos and other elements that are published within THE SITES and through their COMMUNICATION CHANNELS, nor the services or products that are offered or marketed, by virtue of the fact that the PARTICIPATING COMPANY is in charge and responsible for developing the promotions, offers and other discounts or data to which its services or products are subject, and for the legal offering and marketing of these. Therefore, THE USER is responsible for complying with the rules, terms and conditions of each website of the PARTICIPATING COMPANY.

Conditions of Use of THE SITES

Any service, product, price, promotion, discount, text, image, brand or element that is published on THE SITES is the responsibility of THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY, which is the one that provides the information or element to THE ORGANIZATION so that it can publish it on THE SITES.

THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY is the one who applies their respective purchase or promotion contracts. For his part, THE USER is responsible for complying with the indicated conditions and submitting to the relationship with THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY.

The USER, THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY and THE ORGANIZATION agree that the use of THE SITES is subject to the following rules:

  1. The USER recognizes and accepts that the information published or contained on THE SITES is exclusively an advertising campaign whose purpose is to promote the services or products that the PARTICIPANT COMPANY disseminates on THE SITES, so the veracity and responsibility for compliance with The advertised offers, as well as the marketing and offering of services, fall solely on the PARTICIPATING COMPANY, since it is responsible for providing THE ORGANIZATION with information on its services, products and promotions as part of the advertising campaign. .
  2. The USER understands and accepts that what is published on THE SITES is of an informative nature, therefore, it is their responsibility to verify their Terms and Conditions, their Privacy Notice, payment methods and other information on the sites or website of the PARTICIPATING COMPANY. related.
  • THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY recognizes and accepts that its interaction with THE USER and the behavior of THE USER is the exclusive responsibility and falls solely on the USER himself and not on THE ORGANIZATION. It is the exclusive responsibility of THE USER to respond and submit to the Terms and Conditions of contracting with THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY.
  1. THE ORGANIZATION at no time sells services or products, it is only responsible for advertising the services or products on THE SITES.
  2. THE ORGANIZATION is not a party, successor in title, beneficiary or related third party in the relationship that the USER voluntarily establishes with THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY.
  3. The PARTICIPANT COMPANY is solely responsible for compliance with the quality, form and type of services or products offered, either through their publication on THE SITES, or on the website or sites of the PARTICIPANT COMPANY. Under no circumstances can it be understood that THE ORGANIZATION is responsible or jointly liable, in the fulfillment of the obligations contracted by THE USER with THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY. For this reason, it is the sole and exclusive obligation of THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY to obtain and maintain the permits, authorizations, licenses, registrations and other legitimacy necessary for the marketing of its services or products, as well as for the use of texts, images, logos. , commercial phrases and other elements that you wish to be advertised on THE SITES and COMMUNICATION CHANNELS.
  • THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY will be solely responsible for and will respect compliance with the obligations that arise from the use of other languages or other currencies, as well as the result implied by the exchange rate that governs the place and date in which THE USER makes the payment for the services or products that you advertise in LAS EXPOS or any other with which you are linked to THE USER.
  • THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY may design its own advertising material following the Image and Style Guidelines provided by THE ORGANIZATION. You may also publish them through different media in which they refer to LAS EXPOS. However, said materials are the exclusive responsibility of each PARTICIPATING COMPANY, THE ORGANIZATION only authorizes the use of the LAS EXPOS logo, so that it can be used to demonstrate that THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY is participating in LAS EXPOS.
  1. THE ORGANIZATION may generate Advertising Material, based on and using the elements that THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY provides to THE ORGANIZATION. However, these are only for the General Public to know THE EXPOS, so the elements will be the sole responsibility of THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY and THE USER must confirm and accept, where appropriate, the Terms and Conditions of each PARTICIPATING COMPANY.
  2. The information of THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY within THE SITES does not reflect the position of THE ORGANIZATION, nor of its employees, directors, shareholders or representatives.
  3. THE ORGANIZATION is not responsible for any information, texts, images, logos, promotions or other elements that THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY provides to be published on THE SITES, nor for the information, images, logos or promotions that THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY publishes on its own. sites to which any electronic link element within THE SITES is redirected.
  • THE ORGANIZATION reserves the right to block access or remove, partially or totally, any information, communication or material that, in its sole judgment, may be: disrespectful, offensive, discriminatory, abusive, defamatory or obscene, fraudulent, artificial or misleading. , violative of copyright, trademarks, confidentiality, industrial secrets or any intellectual property right of a third party, or that in any way contravenes what is established in this document or that could be contrary to the legal system in force in the United Mexican States only. .
  • THE ORGANIZATION is not responsible for any damage or harm, direct or indirect, caused by virtue of the information, images, texts, logos, promotions and other elements or mechanisms that the PARTICIPATING COMPANY provides to publish on THE SITES or that is published on THE COMMUNICATION CHANNELS or that THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY publishes on its web pages or other communication channels in which it refers to THE EXPOS.

Denial of Guarantees

THE USER AND THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY agree that the use of THE SITES It is done at your own risk. THE ORGANIZATION is released from any responsibility and conditions, both express and implied, in relation to the services and information contained or available on THE SITES, including, without limitation:

  1. The availability of use of THE SITES, due to technical problems attributable to the communication and data transmission systems.
  2. The absence of viruses, errors, deactivators or any other contaminating material or with destructive functions in the information or programs available on or through THE SITES,or, in general, any failure.
  3. THE ORGANIZATION will not be responsible, in any case, for any direct, special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages that in any way arise from or are related to:
  • The use or execution of THE SITESwith the delay or lack of availability of use.
  • Of the updating or lack of updating of information related to the use of THE SITES.
  • That the information has been altered or modified, in whole or in part, after having been published on THE SITES.
  • Any other aspect or characteristic of the information contained or published on THE SITES.

User Registration

The USER’s Registration on THE SITES will allow the USER to contact the PARTICIPATING COMPANIES, Sponsors, brands and other allies in a more personalized way and adjusted to their preferences. Likewise, through Registration, the USER may receive information of interest about LAS EXPOS in their emails.

On the other hand, through Registration, USERS will receive a Code which they will use to request PARTICIPATING COMPANIES to make the corresponding donation to the BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATIONS for their purchase. For their part, THE PARTICIPATING COMPANIES may, through said Code, identify the sales they make as a result of their participation in THE EXPOS and take them as a basis for making their donation to the corresponding BENEFICIARY ORGANIZATION.

Registering on THE SITES is free of charge. To register, THE USER must complete the corresponding Registration Form.

The Registry will only be available to adults. Minors may only maintain a Registration through a parent, guardian or legal representative with sufficient legal personality. Parents or guardians of minors will be responsible for acts carried out by minors, as provided by these Terms and Conditions of Use, including damages caused to third parties, actions carried out by them and that are prohibited by law and by the provisions of this document.

The USER will be responsible for all activities carried out in their Registry. The USER agrees to notify THE ORGANIZATION via email about any unauthorized use of their Registry.

The USER may revoke, at any time, their consent for their Registration by following the “Revocation of Consent” procedure referred to in the “Privacy Notice” of THE SITES.

Privacy and Confidentiality of Information

THE ORGANIZATION submits the processing of Personal Data, as established by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, in accordance with the Privacy Notice that it issues for its purposes and which is published on THE SITES.

By virtue of court orders or legal regulations, THE ORGANIZATION may be obligated to disclose information to authorities or third parties under certain circumstances.

THE ORGANIZATION will take all possible measures to maintain the confidentiality and security described above and in accordance with the applicable matter, executing all available technical elements to provide security and confidentiality to the information it collects.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

The trade names, brands, texts, images, logos, and any element that appears on THE SITES are the property of their respective owners and must be protected by international treaties and applicable laws regarding industrial and intellectual property and copyright.

The rights to trade names, brands, texts, images, logos, and any element that appears on THE SITES are duly protected in favor of THE ORGANIZATION.

Any person is expressly prohibited from modifying, altering or deleting, either in whole or in part, the trade names, brands, texts, images, logos, and any element that appears on THE SITES.

In the event that any person or third party considers that any of the Content found on THE SITES violates their intellectual property rights, they must send a notification to THE ORGANIZATION to the email . In this you must indicate: *Your personal data (name, address, telephone number and email address); *Your handwritten signature, *The precise and complete indication of the Content(s) protected by the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed, as well as its location on THE SITES; *An express and clear statement that the introduction of the indicated Content(s) has been made without the consent of the owner of the intellectual property rights allegedly infringed; *An express, clear statement under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the introduction of the Content(s) constitutes a violation of its intellectual property rights.

Advertising and Information

The identification data on THE SITES, to consider adequate advertising in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law of the United Mexican States, will be the same as the Privacy Notice that refers to this legal notice.

Modifications to these Terms and Conditions of Use

If any type of modification is made, THE ORGANIZATION will disseminate these changes through a publication on THE SITES. THE USER and THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY are obliged to review them and if they do not agree with them, no relationship will be established between the parties. THE ORGANIZATION recommends that the USER and THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY read this document regularly, so that they always remain informed.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

In the event that a dispute arises arising from or related to this document, the parties undertake to try to reach an amicable agreement. THE ORGANIZATION makes available to THE USER and THE PARTICIPATING COMPANY the contacts to present their complaints, otherwise, jurisdiction will be determined in the corresponding administrative or jurisdictional instances.

The parties may go before the Courts of Mexico City, waiving any other national or international jurisdiction that may correspond to them, leaving this Agreement to be interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the United Mexican States.



Last update date: January 2024.
