Somos DT América Latina -DT Latina-, tu equipo experto de profesionistas que te ayuda a lograr tus objetivos con IDEA (Inclusión, Diversidad, Equidad y Accesibilidad).

Somos DT América Latina -DT Latina-, tu equipo experto de profesionistas que te ayuda a lograr tus objetivos con IDEA (Inclusión, Diversidad, Equidad y Accesibilidad).

Nuestro propósito

En DT Latina tenemos un sueño que hemos definido como nuestro propósito, éste es: Que todas las personas seamos respetadas y valoradas por quienes somos.

Nuestro propósito

En DT Latina tenemos un sueño que hemos definido como nuestro propósito, éste es: Que todas las personas seamos respetadas y valoradas por quienes somos.

Our Origins

While the pandemic has affected everyone, it has taken its heaviest toll on women, people with disabilities, the LGBT+ community, joung people, older adults, and other underrepresented groups.

For example, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), Latin American women’s employment dropped by 9.4% last year, far more than the 4.2% worldwide average. Moreover, the World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that the pandemic could set back female labor force participation by approximately ten years, leaving devastating impacts on gender equality, the economy of families and the entire society.

Our Origins

While the pandemic has affected everyone, it has taken its heaviest toll on women, people with disabilities, the LGBT+ community, joung people, older adults, and other underrepresented groups.

For example, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), Latin American women’s employment dropped by 9.4% last year, far more than the 4.2% worldwide average. Moreover, the World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that the pandemic could set back female labor force participation by approximately ten years, leaving devastating impacts on gender equality, the economy of families and the entire society.

Our Social Impact Purpose

DT Latina was born to contribute to reversing this unfortunate socio-economic phenomenon by providing first-class corporate solutions delivered by experts professionals and entrepreneurs keen to reenter or continue in the workforce.

Our business model relies on providing top professional services to bold and conscious companies, while providing our team members with humane work models that foster their life balance and well-being, allowing them to flourish within their individual circumstances. 

Our Social Impact Purpose

DT Latina was born to contribute to reversing this unfortunate socio-economic phenomenon by providing first-class corporate solutions delivered by experts professionals and entrepreneurs keen to reenter or continue in the workforce.

Our business model relies on providing top professional services to bold and conscious companies, while providing our team members with humane work models that foster their life balance and well-being, allowing them to flourish within their individual circumstances. 

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

DT Latina’s heart is set on the principle ‘Leave no one behind’ (LNOB) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This principle represents the commitment to eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that leave people behind and undermine the potential of individuals and of humanity as a whole.

The following Sustainable Development Goals are at the basis of DT Latina: 

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Goal 5: Gender equality

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth 

Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

DT Latina’s heart is set on the principle ‘Leave no one behind’ (LNOB) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This principle represents the commitment to eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that leave people behind and undermine the potential of individuals and of humanity as a whole.

The following Sustainable Development Goals are at the basis of DT Latina: 

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Goal 5: Gender equality

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth 

Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

Our Unique Added Value

Working with DT Latina is the smartest multi-benefit decision a company can make. Business leaders who hire DT Latina receive top-quality professional services, while demonstrating to their stakeholders a true commitment towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Unique Added Value

Working with DT Latina is the smartest multi-benefit decision a company can make. Business leaders who hire DT Latina receive top-quality professional services, while demonstrating to their stakeholders a true commitment towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Nuestros valores, nuestra cultura

En DT Latina somos una organización centrada en las personas, por lo que estamos conscientes de las múltiples dimensiones que nos hacen seres humanos. Nuestro propósito lo logramos transformando mentes y corazones guiándonos por nuestro Código de Ética y nuestros valores corporativos:

Nuestros valores, nuestra cultura

En DT Latina somos una organización centrada en las personas, por lo que estamos conscientes de las múltiples dimensiones que nos componen como seres humanos.

Nuestro propósito lo logramos transformando mentes y corazones, guiándonos por nuestros valores.

Nuestra Filosofía Ética

En DT Latina trabajamos de acuerdo con los más altos estándares éticos. Nuestro Código de Ética representa lo que creemos y cómo vivimos siendo congruentes con la diversidad, la inclusión y la no discriminación por ningún motivo, de cara a quienes conformamos el equipo, nuestros clientes, aliados, proveedores y demás grupos de relación del mercado y la sociedad.

Nuestra Filosofía Ética

En DT Latina trabajamos de acuerdo con los más altos estándares éticos. Nuestro Código de Ética representa lo que creemos y cómo vivimos siendo congruentes con la diversidad, la inclusión y la no discriminación por ningún motivo, de cara a quienes conformamos el equipo, nuestros clientes, aliados, proveedores y demás grupos de relación del mercado y la sociedad.

If you experience or witness disrespectful, inappropriate, fraudulent, unethical, or illegal behavior from anyone on the team or from any of our allies, please speak up sending an email to

Our Robust Information Security

Safeguarding client and user data is one of our most important responsibilities. We are continually improving our approach to information security and data protection.

DT Latina’s information security standards involve strong security processes, policies and governance across our operations and client engagements.

Our standards strive to provide end-to-end security risk management covering physical, system, infrastructure and data security.  Everyone on The Dream Team is provided with the necessary tools and controls that enable us to identify and mitigate security risks against vulnerabilities.

Our Robust Information Security

Safeguarding client and user data is one of our most important responsibilities. We are continually improving our approach to information security and data protection.

DT Latina’s information security standards involve strong security processes, policies and governance across our operations and client engagements.

Our standards strive to provide end-to-end security risk management covering physical, system, infrastructure and data security.  Everyone on The Dream Team is provided with the necessary tools and controls that enable us to identify and mitigate security risks against vulnerabilities.

Conoce al equipo DT Latina

Quienes conformamos DT Latina representamos esa diversidad que pregonamos y tenemos amplia experiencia en las disciplinas necesarias para ayudarte a lograr tus objetivos con IDEA. ¡Conócenos!

Esmeralda Araiza

CEO y Consultora de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión

Jorge Moreno

Consultor de Inclusión y Accesibilidad

Brenda Zayola

Consultora de Equidad e Inclusión

Astrid Alviso

Consultora de Desarrollo Organizacional

Matthias Tapie

Consultor de Inclusión y Diversidad Sexual

Sheila Martínez

Consultora de Comunicación y Marketing Inclusivos

Mauro Vargas

Consultor de Masculinidades y Equidad

Elizabeth Chan

Consultora de Derecho Corporativo y Laboral

Ricardo Ayllón

Consultor de Masculinidades y Equidad

Claudia Garcia

Consultora de Bienestar Laboral

Jesús González

Consultor de Medio Ambiente, Social y Gobernanza

Marianna García

Consultora de Bienestar Integral

Carlos Mandujano

Líder de Finanzas y Cumplimiento Fiscal

José Ángel Arias

Líder de Comunicación

Pedro Chan

Líder de Tecnología

Ilse Gallegos

Talento Naciente

Luisa Bustillos

Talento Naciente

Alejandro Abasta

Talento Naciente

Kenia Torres

Talento Naciente

Carla Carrasco

Talento Naciente

Francisco Mex

Talento Naciente

Estas empresas han confiado en el talento de DT Latina

DT Latina, el equipo experto que te ayuda a evolucionar con IDEA.

DT Latina, el equipo experto que te ayuda a evolucionar con IDEA
